5 de marzo de 2011

Twin Tail

Para quienes no los conocen aún, les presento a esta agrupación japonesa que ejecuta una suerte espectáculo audiovisual altamente improvisacional. La mejor carta de presentación que les puedo dar es que uno de los integrantes de este poderoso y alucinógeno grupo es nada más y nada menos que el violinista Katsui Yuji.
Su sonido es altamente espacial pero no pierde ese punch cuasi-stoner que le da el bajo hipnótico, que es a su vez balanceado y aterrizado por una batería que si bien no es extraordinaria, es ejecutada magistralmente, si se toma en cuenta que la música es en gran medida improvisada. A todo esto lo acompaña la nave onírica del violín de Yuji.
Les dejo sus dos álbumes. Ambos son todo un viaje, asi que...

A transportarse.

7 comentarios:

  1. Parece interesante esta banda. Gracias.

  2. What a fabulous find! I like Rovo, but this is way better.

    Thanks for all of the great Japanese posts recently. If you have any of the following,I would love to hear them.

    Cicala MVTA, Namazemi Live 2006
    Vincent Amicus (first)
    Kazihisa Uchihashi (almost any)

    Regardless, thanks for the fantastic music.


  3. Thanks for your comments, they are greatly appreciated. As of now, I do not any of the first two requests. However, I do have a collaboration between Ruins and Kazuhisa Uchihashi, in case you are interested at all. Otherwise, even though I do not have more Uchihashi, I can get some of them.

    Let me know, keep visiting and keep those comments coming!

  4. It looks like I do have another Uchihashi album. It is a collaboration between him and Tatsuya Yoshida. Again, let me know if you are interested at all.
    In the meantime, you could always download the Altered States discography I posted not long ago, in case you haven't done so yet.


  5. Rovo meet Bondage Fruit!!!! Wow!!! Many Thanks!!!!


  6. Apenas escuché el primero. Estoy completamente de acuerdo con Tipp.

    Tus aportes, como siempre, me sorprenden.
    Gracias Kato.

  7. Should have checked back sooner. Thanks for your comments following up on my requests. I do have the Uchihashi and Ruins, and four different duo CDs with Uchihashi and Yoshida.
    (I can send you links to some, if you'd like.)

    Don't have much else by him.

    There's a new one with Uchihashi and Mani Neumeier, believe it or not!

    Thanks for looking, at any rate ... Any chance you have Ruins with Umezu Kazutoki (1994)?

    Larsen Rupin is really good stuff. Another couple of very tasteful posts. Thanks.

